The Ag + Open Space Advisory Committee is comprised of 19 members representing specific designations: two appointed by each County Supervisor, three representing the Mayors’ and Councilmembers’ Association, two youth members, and one each representing agriculture, the environment, real estate or property appraisal, and business. While solely advisory, the Committee offers opinions and makes recommendations at the request of the Ag + Open Space Board of Directors or its General Manager. The Committee also provides broad-based citizen input on Ag + Open Space activities and acts as ambassadors for Ag + Open Space.
More information about upcoming Advisory Committee meetings >>
Current Advisory Committee members:
Jan McFarland, Fairhaven Institute | First District
Vacant | First District
Paul Martin, Martin Family Ranch | Second District
Ladi Asgill (Chair Pro Tem), EcoInnovation, Inc. | Second District
Thembi Borras (Chair), California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection | Third District
Steve Rabinowitsh, Santa Rosa Junior College | Third District
Bill Smith, Codding Enterprises Legal Counsel (Retired) | Fourth District
Paolo Tantarelli, Community Soil Foundation | Fourth District
Michelle Whitman, Renewal Enterprise District | Fifth District
Wendy Eliot, Sonoma Land Trust (Retired) | Fifth District
Kevin McDonnell, Petaluma City Council | Mayors and Councilmembers
John Shribbs (Vice-Chair), Petaluma City Council | Mayors and Councilmembers
Mark Stapp, Santa Rosa City Council | Mayors and Councilmembers
Dayna Ghiradelli, Sonoma County Farm Bureau | Agriculture
Vacant | Business
Don McEnhill, Russian Riverkeeper | Environment
Emily Albert, The Corcoran Group | Real Estate
Vacant | Youth
Vacant | Youth
Advisory Committee meetings are held at 5:00 p.m. on the fourth Thursday of the month at the Ag + Open Space office. The public may also participate virtually via Zoom. The public is encouraged to attend these meetings to address the Committee on matters of public interest.