Our primary guiding policy document is the Expenditure Plan included in Measure F – the legislation passed in 2006 to reauthorize Ag + Open Space through 2031. The purpose of the Expenditure Plan is to implement the Sonoma County General Plan and the general plans of the County’s incorporated cities by preserving agricultural land use and open space.
In early 2021, our Board of Directors approved the Vital Lands Initiative, a comprehensive strategic plan that will guide our work through 2031. The plan was developed with the best available science and data, as well as extensive input from Ag + Open Space partners and the community, to ensure the document reflects the knowledge and expertise of stakeholders and the land conservation goals of the Sonoma County voters.
Visit the Vital Lands Initiative page to learn more >>
In addition to the Vital Lands Initiative, these supplementary guiding documents dive further into how we do our work:
- Stewardship Policy
- Fee Lands Strategy
- Mitigation Policy
- Initial Public Access, Operation & Maintenance Policy
- Annual Budget
Historical planning documents: