Frequently Asked Questions

What is Sonoma County Ag + Open Space’s mission?
How was Ag + Open Space created?
How is Ag + Open Space and its work funded?
How is Ag + Open Space governed?
What types of properties does Ag + Open Space protect and preserve?
Where are the Ag + Open Space’s protected lands?
How does the Ag + Open Space partner to create public access to protected lands?
What are the benefits of working with Ag + Open Space to protect the agricultural and/or open space values of my property?
What is a conservation easement?
What is a recreation covenant?

What is Sonoma County Ag + Open Space’s mission?

The Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District (Ag + Open Space) permanently protects the diverse agricultural, natural resource, and scenic open space lands of Sonoma County for future generations.

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How was Ag + Open Space created?

Ag + Open Space was formed by a vote of the citizens of Sonoma County in 1990 to acquire and preserve agricultural and open space lands as a legacy for future generations. Voters supported a quarter-cent sales tax to fund its work, which was renewed by the voters in 2006 with 76% of the vote. The re-authorization ensures Ag + Open Space will be funded through 2031.

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How is Ag + Open Space and its work funded?

Sonoma County voters approved Measures A and C to create Ag + Open Space and enable a quarter-cent sales tax to its operations until 2011. In 2006, with 76% of the vote, Sonoma County residents approved Measure F to extend the quarter-cent sales tax through 2031. Sonoma County is one of the few jurisdictions in the nation to use a sales tax for the purchase of conservation easements to protect agricultural lands and preserve open space; and Ag + Open Space leverages these funds by attracting additional funding partners and grant agencies to participate in some acquisitions. Ag + Open Space is financially accountable to the public through an annual audit and oversight by the Fiscal Oversight Commission, who monitors all sales tax expenditures.

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How is Ag + Open Space governed?

Ag + Open Space is a Special District of the County, which is a government entity created for special purposes. Ag + Open Space serves all of Sonoma County, and is overseen by three bodies -- a Board of Directors, whose members also serve as Sonoma County’s Board of Supervisors, a Fiscal Oversight Commission, and an Advisory Committee.

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What types of properties does Ag + Open Space protect and preserve?

Ag + Open Space is guided by a plan developed to ensure its activities fulfill the mission it was given by Sonoma County’s voters. The Vital Lands Initiative is a long-range comprehensive plan to prioritize the land conservation activities of Sonoma County Ag + Open Space through 2031. The plan was developed with the best available science and data, as well as extensive input from Ag + Open Space partners and the community, to ensure the document reflects the knowledge and expertise of stakeholders and the land conservation goals of the Sonoma County voters.

Learn more about the Vital Lands Initiative here >>

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Where are the Ag + Open Space’s protected lands?

Ag + Open Space has protected over 122,000 acres of land throughout Sonoma County. Peruse this map to explore and learn more about Ag + Open Space's protected lands. With over a million acres of land stretching from the beaches and estuaries of the Pacific Ocean to the Mayacamas Mountains, Sonoma County encompasses a tremendous range of stunning natural areas. The vast open spaces draw many residents and visitors that help define the character of the county. A wide variety of agricultural producers contribute to the vitality and diversity of the economy, and to the stewardship of these natural areas.

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How does the Ag + Open Space partner to create public access to protected lands?

Ag + Open Space has purchased properties nearby and adjacent to each of Sonoma County’s nine cities that have enabled the creation of public spaces that are easily accessible to the majority of the County’s residents. Since 1990, Ag + Open Space has protected nearly 20,000 acres of publicly accessible open space — adding significant acreage to Sonoma County’s network of city, regional and state parks. Ag + Open Space was created to preserve agricultural and open space properties, including those with the potential to become public parks, but was not directed by the voters to manage or operate them. This is where our partners come in.

We facilitate public access to Ag + Open Space-protected lands in several ways:

  • Agricultural and Conservation Education Program -- Ag + Open Space partners with local nonprofit organizations to lead numerous public outings for adults and children on Ag + Open Space-protected lands throughout the year.
  • Property Transfers -- Ag + Open Space transfers properties it owns outright to recreational entities such as Sonoma County Regional Parks, California State Parks, or cities to operate and manage in perpetuity. When the Ag + Open Space transfers lands, it always retains a conservation easement and, in some cases, a recreation covenant.
  • Initial Public Access and Operations and Maintenance Funding -- Per Ag + Open Space's Initial Public Access, Operation and Maintenance (IPAOM) policy, Ag + Open Space provides a limited amount of funding for initial public access improvements on Ag + Open Space-protected recreational lands, such as signs and trails, as well as to help cover the first three years of operation and maintenance expenses.  The goal is to ensure the efficient opening of these lands for public enjoyment, while also ensuring public safety and the protection of the properties' natural resources.


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What are the benefits of working with Ag + Open Space to protect the agricultural and/or open space values of my property?

There are myriad personal and community benefits that come from working with Ag + Open Space to protect your land. Learn more about those benefits here >>

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What is a conservation easement?

The most traditional tool for conserving private land is a “conservation easement,” which is a legal agreement between a landowner and a land trust or government agency that permanently limits uses of the land in order to protect its conservation values. It allows landowners to continue to own and use their land, and to sell or pass on the property to heirs. Subsequent owners are obligated to use the land under the terms of the conservation easement. The conservation easement is binding in perpetuity – in other words, forever. Learn more about conservation easements and how they work here.

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What is a recreation covenant?

Ag + Open Space protects the public’s permanent right to enjoy recreational lands we purchase and protect by utilizing recreation covenants. These covenants are legal documents and run with the land, as conservation easements do, meaning they remain in place permanently regardless of changes in land ownership. Recreation covenants require landowners to keep recreational lands open to the public forever, for passive outdoor recreation and education in a manner that is also consistent with the terms of the conservation easement on the property.

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