[en español]

Can individual landowners apply for this grant funding?
Individual landowners will need to partner with their local fire safe council, resource conservation district, or other community group or non-profit organization that is able to enter into a legal agreement with the County. Applicants that do not have the capacity to enter into a legal agreement are encouraged to partner with another entity to collaborate and serve as sponsor/fiscal agent.  

What is the definition of a “community group?” Does it include homeowners’ associations or private roads associations?
Community groups such as homeowners’ associations, private road associations, or similar groups are eligible to apply so long as they are a legal entity capable of signing a legal agreement with the County. If not, they need to partner with an entity that is able to sign the grant agreement. Click here to view the sample grant agreement. Organizations must have a Tax ID number as 501(c) (3) charitable organizations or other IRS recognized organization. Potential applicants are encouraged to review the Grant Guidelines carefully to determine whether they would be eligible for funding and/or a good fit for the program.

I want to apply for funding to do some roadside fuel abatement on my private road or do defensible space improvement around structures. Would this be exempt from CEQA?
The County is not able to give legal advice regarding whether a project is exempt from CEQA or requires additional CEQA review and documentation. Potential applicants are encouraged to review the CEQA categorical exemptions (Article 19, pg. 300) to determine if their project is exempt, or requires additional review. Further information can be found in the 2023 CEQA Statutes and Guidelines. All grantees must comply with CEQA environmental compliance statutes since this is public funding supporting their project. The project may be exempt and must submit such information in their application.

Will there be standards agreed upon prior to implementation and how will projects be verified as complete?
Each grantee will be required to submit progress and financial reports every 6 months until the completion of the project. Upon completion of the project, a final report, including a financial expenditure record with backup documentation, and photo documentation, must be submitted. A site visit by the Vegetation Management Coordinator is permitted at any time in collaboration with grantee.

When will I receive payment for the project?
Grantees will receive funds upon execution of a Vegetation Management Grant Program Grant Agreement and receipt of all County-required documents. Funds will be dispersed prior to implementing the project.

Can I submit my application via post instead of email?
ALL application MUST submitted via email to VegManagement@sonoma-county.org.

  • Applicants must submit proposals in Word file format (*.doc) or PDF (*.pdf). 
  • Maps may be submitted separately as images (*.jpg), (*.pdf) or shapefiles (*.shp)
  • Budgets may be submitted in the application using the template or as an excel spreadsheet (*.xls)
  • More information can be found in the Grant Guidelines.